Fire protection, Innovations & customer service

Simply. More. Safety.

  • World market leader for heat-sensitive glass ampoules for the sprinkler and automotive industries
  • 100% Made in Germany
  • Family business and employer in the heart of Schleswig-Holstein
  • We trust in innovations for more safety
Sprinkler 2
JOB Thermo Bulbs neu

Sprinkler Glass Ampoules

JOB Thermo Bulbs

JOB Glasbasierte Schmelzsicherung

Glass-based Fuse

Thermo Bulb Link

JOB Feuerloeschende Thermosicherung

Fire Extinguishing Thermal Fuse


JOB Mini Feuerloescher

Mini Fire Extinguisher


01 Icons EN transparent World market leader
01 Icons EN transparent MadeinGermany
2 Billion Thermo Bulbs
01 Icons EN transparent Zero Failures ausgeschrieben
160 Employees Zeichenflaeche 1 Kopie 7

About Us

Founded in 1971, JOB Thermo Bulbs is a global leader in the research and production of heat-sensitive glass ampoules, Thermo Bulb links and miniature fire extinguishers for safety applications. JOB products are made in Germany, save lives and protect property – worldwide.

Due to their high quality and reliability, around 2,000 billion JOB Thermo Bulbs have been installed by all major sprinkler manufacturers worldwide. More than 50 years of continuous innovation and the use of innovative technologies guarantee the highest possible standard for life-saving products.

Sustainability, Diversity, Inclusion

The JOB Group’s sustainability strategy pursues the long-term goal of considering the orientation of the corporate group, both along the entire value chain and in its decision-making processes using the triple line approach. Economic, ecological, and social aspects are taken into account and form the basis for sustainable growth.

“We promote a culture of belonging and strive for equal opportunities in order to develop the full potential of our diversity.” Because with us, it’s not just our products that are colourful, but also our attitude.

JOB Nachhaltigkeit
JOB Historie Gruendung JOB

Founding Story

In 1971, based on an idea for producing glass products, Eduard Job founded his own company, JOB GmbH, in Ahrensburg near Hamburg, which he led and shaped with drive and inventiveness until his death in 2009. The company he founded continues to grow and is now an internationally successful group of companies with more than 160 employees worldwide and many partner companies.

Diverse Areas of Application

After the Thermo Bulb was patented in its current form, continued research was carried out to protect even more human lives. AMFE & E-Bulb were developed to be able to extinguish fires in smaller devices. Detecting and preventing fire as early as possible is also essential for environmental protection. Therefore, today we can be pleased about the diverse areas of application of our products, because from the smallest to the largest volume, we can put out all fires.

geschuetze Volumen JOB DE


Did you know that...
...the Empire State Building is secured by JOB Thermo Bulbs?

Did you know that...... over 2 billion JOB Thermo Bulbs are in use worldwide?

Did you know that...... the Queen Mary 2 has JOB Thermo Bulbs in use?

We can do that – Easy-to-Use Safety Technology

The team of engineers and specialists develops well-thought-out, technologically sophisticated, easy-to-use solutions that are tailored to the specific requirements of customers and sustainably address the safety risks in fire protection. The products and solutions are 100% reliable, easy to install and operate, and therefore have significant added value for our customers.

Simply adding new functions has never been enough for JOB. The products and solutions in fire alarm technology are intuitive to use and ergonomically designed. Solutions and products are easy to install and particularly durable.


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