
Certificates – qualified for the future!

Quality management, standards, certifications. There are several reasons to think about this. For JOB, one of the most important things is to make the company strong for the future. The processes that are driven by our commitment to a holistic management system also contribute to this.

Customers and end users are placing increasing importance on environmental issues. This increases the trend towards certifications, and they are actively in demand. The ISO standard 14001 refers to all management issues related to environmental factors and their effects on us. This standard includes all activities to improve environmental impacts systematically and sustainably.

World market leadership through excellent quality

At JOB, quality is more than just a word. Quality is an essential component of all business processes and their sustainability. The message is clear: product sales run at a zero-failure rate in the field. There is only one chance to save a life in a fire. This responsibility does not allow compromises or cutting corners on quality.

The JOB Group designs products, develops, industrialises and builds its own production and testing tools, for itself and its customers, to ensure that no errors occur in production, and so that the products always meet the customer’s expectations and requirements.

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from each ampoule


Measuring points

per ampoule


JOB Thermo Bulbs

in use

Excellent customer service

Whenever customers have questions about the products, shipping, application support, or technical questions, the customer service team is on hand to help.
The team is proud of its own track record: shipments are always confirmed and delivered within the time requested by the customer (RLIP). The high customer satisfaction confirms the excellent quality of JOB Thermo Bulbs! This was recently confirmed by the Gold Supplier Award from one of our customers, Johnson Controls.

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Quality: Made in Germany

Since we began developing glass ampoules in 1971, we have continuously improved our production capacity and changed our production method, from manual production in the 1990s, to highly automated and fully automated optical and mechanical testing in large quantities.

To ensure the highest quality, each product is tested at over 1,000 measuring points before shipping.
Each ampoule can be traced back to the glass tube using a special number (Track & Trace).
To date, we have shipped more than 2,000,000,000 products.

Since we are primary and secondary suppliers for many of our customers, delivery reliability is one of our most valuable assets.
To meet these customer requirements (RLIP), we have always focused on providing all production and infrastructure resources with redundant n+1 capacity.
And that:

100% Made in Germany

Quality through flexibility and efficiency

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In addition, each machine can produce any of our products after a short changeover time. This offers maximum flexibility to customer requirements and internal efficiency.
In addition to asset redundancy, inventory of raw materials (>12 months), semi-finished products and finished products is scaled up to 3 months to ensure deliveries of standard products within 24 hours.
The operations team, maintenance staff and shift managers also work closely together throughout the year in three shifts, five days per week.

The Manufacturing Excellence Programme, part of the goal of workforce empowerment, engages the entire team to achieve benchmark results and management goals. After over 50 years of innovation and production, including the completion of a government-funded project, we put several glass drawing plants into operation.

Dr. Kai Fischer, Head of Quality
Dr. Kai Fischer, Head of Quality
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Reinvestment in research and development

Looking to the future and following risk assessment and market research for sprinklers and new markets with new technologies, we are constantly adapting our product roadmap and implementing our strategic plan. We invest a large portion of our earnings annually in infrastructure, technology, and capacity to meet demand over the next few years.

Gold Supplier Award
JOB Thermo Bulbs Verpackung


EcoVadis Medaille 2023
ISO 9001

Not only the company JOB is certified, but also the products.
For example by the VdS, UL, LPCB, FM, TFRI.

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FM Global
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JOB is certified as a reliable economic operator in the field of foreign trade.

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Further details can be found on the respective product pages.